Sunday, April 22, 2012

March 21, 2012

Hey fam,

This week was interesting... A few cool things happened. First, Tyson was able to actually meet with me yesterday, and that was really cool. I didn't even think they let people do that, but I'm really glad that they let us do it.

Yes I am getting your Dear Elder letters, sorry I haven't really told you that. I really like hearing about home, so it's really nice to get something. We're actually going to break out the chips and queso today and have a little shindig (not really, but that's about as close as we're ever going to get). Thank you for everything you have sent me.

Another cool thing that happened is I actually get to sing in Conference in a few weeks. I got really lucky. I think it's going to be the Saturday afternoon session, so watch for me. I'll be the one in a suit.

I ordered some new pictures to send home, but they apparently just completely forgot my order. I reordered them today, so I'll try to send them soon. And I don't know where I'm going to get a box big enough to send my temple clothes home. I'll figure something out though.

Congrats to Mom and Jenna about the play, that is way cool. Break a leg. And good luck to Alycia with cheer tryouts. Make is so the Mountain Crest cheer squad doesn't suck this year! That's way cool that Robbie might get a 4.0 too, keep it up. And kick some butt in basketball, show them who's boss. If they don't listen, just tell them that your bro is a terrorist. Speaking Armenian makes me sound like one.

It's good to hear things are busy at work Dad, sorry I'm not there to help you out with your appendices. If you want you can just leave them all until I get back, it would give me something to do.

The one spiritual thought I have for you this week is that we have to remember how important our prayers are. It's easy to fall into a rut, and just say the same thing over and over, but remember to keep it sincere, and listen to what Heavenly Father is saying to you. I had been praying for the last few weeks that Tyson and Matthew would have some sort of wake up call, and look what happened. Heavenly Father answers our prayers, and I know it. Pray with all your heart

Well, I'm sure I'll talk to you soon, or at least by next week.

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